Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Stimulus Check = Push-Button 4WD

Ok. It's official. I'm horrible at updating this blog. I love reading other people's blogs, yet loathe putting new material up on mine. It's not that my life is disinteresting, I just never feel like sitting down at a computer and typing about myself. I guess this is why I've never been able to keep a solid journal over the years, either.

Well, here it is. My 1992 Subaru Loyale, which has been affectionately deemed (through suggestion of a very good friend), The Lieutenant. It's got 124,000 miles and I paid less than $1000 for the guy.

Pretty sexy, right? The LT has a 5-speed manual transmission with a push-button 4WD on the stick shift. And look at that white paint....sooooo gooood! That's the LT.

ed - 11/19/08: Oh yeah, behold - the mighty push-button!!


Michael Friberg said...

joe, you stole my cars name you sob. we cant ALL have the LT.

JoeP said...

It is what it is....

See you soon.

JuxtaExposed.com said...

dead sexy I'd say.

nice whip.

sorensenpower said...

Wait, didn't you used to have a sweet car?

JoeP said...

You mean the Mazda Hatchback? Yeah, it was sweet - then I traded it to my mom for an Explorer....then I wised up and went back to the hatchbacks - this time, I went in style...

JoeP said...

Thanks Christian!