From birth until the age of 11, I lived just outside of Denver, Colorado. Probably the single-most confusing thing about my childhood was the fact that there were seagulls in Colorado. I knew this to be strange due to my infrequent trips to the Jersey shore whilst back east visiting relatives - seagulls belonged at the beach, not at 5280 feet above sea level; no, that's just not right.
However, here I've been in Salt Lake City, Utah since I was 18 and these silly birds are here too. I don't get it. They're clearly not here for the skiing. Following are some botched attempts at capturing these displaced water-fowl:
*Ed. Note 5/6/08: Great - so Utah's state bird is the seagull. This just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for this tip goes to one of my faithful blog readers.
**Ed. Note 5/7/08: Again, this post has stirred up more than I could have really hoped for. Apparently these birds worked "miracles" back in the mid-1850s. Check out wikipedia's facts HERE.
Uh hello Joe, that's our state bird you are talking about!
Yes. If it were not for the seagulls, back in the day, we may have seen the demise of the Mormon population in Utah. Say goodbye to The 24th of July. No fireworks for you.
no kidding i just watched a mini-doc about the seagulls eating the giant locus swarms in the SLC. mormons claim it was God delivering them from a plague like those of the OT, of course the scientists had a better explanation. no surprise there.
The even more interesting fact:
The state bird's proper name is the California Gull. WTF gives?
Dude - it's all about Californication...
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