So, remember that little blurb I wrote about my love affair with Brighton a few posts down? Well, I kinda feel like I'm cheating on her this season. Yeah, I got a Snowbird pass this year. F me, right? Snowbird has a tunnel. I won't use it. But, I did get a deal on my pass (one reason for switching mountains this year). Hopefully it snows a lot and don't miss my alma mater too much. I know, this is ridiculous, but still....
Jealous. Totally jealous. If one more person tells me there are "mountains" in Maryland, I will punch them in the face.
Touché. There aren't mountains in Maryland. I've been there....I feel your pain.
hey man i had no problem trading my time between the bird and brighton, but if i find out you rode the tunnel i will take my pole and...
no tunnel. ever....
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