Tuesday, August 3, 2010

That Dog Named Joe

I moved into the place I currently live somewheres around October of 2007. This is now, officially, the longest I've lived in any single dwelling outside of my parent's house. I can hear the faint round of applause; thank you.

One fall afternoon back in the stacks of 2007, I recall being outside; I was bringing groceries in from my car. It was after work. I'd probably had a long day. And as I was walking up the sidewalk to my front door I remember hearing the lady across the street shouting. It went kind of like this:

"JOE! Come back here! Get over here! NOW!! JOE!!! Inside, now!!!"

So tell me, what the hell would you have done? Probably exactly what I did - never looked back and got inside the (my) house as fast as I could.

Instances similar to this kept occurring, randomly, over the next few weeks. Granted, it's my own fault I never went over to see what she needed me for. Then I met Joe; well, the other Joe, at least. The Joe that this lady had been shouting at the whole time. This Joe in particular stands, on all fours, about 12 inches off the ground, barks ferociously at times and actually comes to his owner on command.

People names for pets....now I know we can do better...

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