Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Struggle

Sometimes that's what this blog is. A struggle. Not in the sense that I lose sleep over, but in the sense that I'll ignore it at times, let it go by the wayside and when I do finally catch up with myself I have a hard time committing to making updated posts. Tough, right? Enough introspection.

Life is full of unknowns - I think these two photos I took express this fact in their own ways.

My buddy Josh, a fisheye, his palm and the obvious.

The depth of field on this makes it a little hard to read, but Calvin is spot-on with his philosophy. "Well, each decision we make determines the range of choices we'll face next." Well put, little buddy.

1 comment:

ilikewinter said...

Words of wisdom from two of my favorite philosophers. =)

And now I must update my blog. Well... maybe tomorrow.