Friday, August 7, 2009

Bro Brah Ra Cha

Shaka bra...BRO!!! Man, I'm psyched when people are psyched. Like this surfer dude.

Chaa!!! Yeaaah!!! This guy watched too many Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a kid.

On another note, I believe I have a cyber stalker. The individual refers to themself as DINGO. DINGO, meet my readers - readers, meet DINGO. DINGO refuses to reveal his/her real identity to me, but knows a surprising amount of information dating back to when I was (or we were?) in college. DINGO frequently leaves comments on my blog - all of which I refuse to verify for posting because they're nonsense b.s. DINGO may be reached at (some other faux identity as I don't recognize that name, either) if you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding their obsession with bugging the sh*t out of me.

Oh yeah, how about that sufer dude? Watch that clip above again - and forget about DINGO.


Ben said...

haha...i love this guy. They play him all the time on Preston and Steve on wmmr.

DINGO said...