It's been raining like crazy the last couple weeks. Unlike anything I've ever seen in Utah before. Aside from that, I've been dying to make another trip up to the Spiral Jetty on the Great Salt Lake. Tina and I went up there this past weekend and, well, it rained. Time for an obligatory photo dump:
Tina had fun, too.
Back at the home front Hobbes wanted in on some of the camera action. Here he is, psyched as always, and in great form. do you punish this kid for picking through the garbage when you aren't home?
We just went out to the Jetty! very awesome. I especially liked walking out over the jetty to the east.
I try to get up there once a year or so....It's such a random piece of earth art and I enjoy looking at it in person. Psyched to head up there on occasion, too!
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