I discovered the band Collective Soul when I was about 13 years old. I was in the middle of seventh grade, didn't talk to girls and was living in Delaware at the time. The cd came from one of those "Buy 7 CDs for One Cent" promotional offers that used to come by the bundle in the mail years ago. A Collective Soul CD was one of the 7 CDs I claimed on that offer. The trick is they charge you months later, about 11 bucks or so per each CD you ordered. Well, my mom told them I moved to New Zealand and I never ended up paying a penny of the $77.00 or so they tried to nab me for. Seriously though, I was 13 years old - where was I going to come up with $77.00 to pay for those CDs? How rude of them to think that I could actually afford their silly, albeit trick, offer.
But man, that first Collective Soul CD I picked up put me on a long and winding road during which their music has weaved in and out of my life at random times and moments. Every time I hear a song by them, or put one of their CDs on (yes, I still use CDs) or listen to them on my iPod, it just makes me smile.
waxing nostalgic this morning? i'm calling the cd place and telling them i know where you live :) thanks for visiting my bloggity blog.
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