My girlfriend and I think valentine's day is ridiculous. We actually didn't even get to spend the day together. She was up in Jackson Hole coaching ski racing and I stayed here in town. It was a special day, nonetheless, though.
Brighton received 17" over Friday night so two buddies and myself jetted up Big Cottonwood for a little homecoming party of our own. We skied the entire mountain, lookers right to left and even hit the backside of Western. Incredible. Here's a moment in time my buddy Tim captured of me coming down a shot in Mary Chutes.

This was also a special day for me - as I'm back to skiing four weeks after knee surgery. I'm alpine skiing now. And I'm very grateful for the support and love I received during my recovery time from not only my friends, but from my girlfriend, Tina. Thanks everyone!
I'm glad you and your dudes had a romantic day on teh slopes.
And if I knew you were recovering, I would've brought you some soup or grilled cheese sandwiches...
romantic indeed.
soups on!
It sounds more like D day not V day with all this alpine nonsense. Glad you are back and well brother.
rip it
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