From birth until the age of 11, I lived just outside of Denver, Colorado. Probably the single-most confusing thing about my childhood was the fact that there were seagulls in Colorado. I knew this to be strange due to my infrequent trips to the Jersey shore whilst back east visiting relatives - seagulls belonged at the beach, not at 5280 feet above sea level; no, that's just not right.
However, here I've been in Salt Lake City, Utah since I was 18 and these silly birds are here too. I don't get it. They're clearly not here for the skiing. Following are some botched attempts at capturing these displaced water-fowl:
*Ed. Note 5/6/08: Great - so Utah's state bird is the seagull. This just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for this tip goes to one of my faithful blog readers.
**Ed. Note 5/7/08: Again, this post has stirred up more than I could have really hoped for. Apparently these birds worked "miracles" back in the mid-1850s. Check out wikipedia's facts HERE.