This past weekend was an interesting one. Instead of going skiing, a buddy and I decided to trek out to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Western Utah. There's a lot more to why we didn't go skiing, and I'm only going to get angry if I delve into that story; besides, it would at best be a tangent and we all know that staying on topic is much, much better.

Yeah, so, back on topic. The Salt Flats are, well, flat...and salty. After exiting the highway (exit 4, clever, I know...) you head north on some road following signs to the Bonneville Salt Flats. Ending up on a two-lane road that traverses across the Salt Flats, you think "my gosh, could this be it??" Then, it gets better, the road ends - in, literally, the middle of nowhere. Nothing is there to hold you back from doing whatever you please. In our case, we took the time to snap a few photos and then drove my buddy's car really, really fast on the flats.

After seeing all there was to see (read: not entirely too much), we packed back in the Subie and headed back home. Go check this place out sometime if you ever get the chance. In fact, give me a call, I'll ride shotgun.
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