I'll preface this post in that it's been long, way too long, since I last smeared some food-for-thought here. I've had a lot on my mind lately, though, so keep coming back because I'll be updating this piece more regularly; that's for sure. Just be glad I never deleted this blog - I almost did a few months ago (I can feel the sighs of relief from the peanut gallery). However, I'm glad I didn't.
If you know me well-enough, you know I hate...no...absolutely despise, the use of the word 'quiver' in describing one's arsenal of skis. Quiver? Really? Do you keep your skis in a tube that you sling over your shoulder? Do you? Honestly? Didn't think so. Do you ski on arrows? Of course not. They suck in the fresh. Am I speaking from personal experience? No. But I could be. There in lies my issue with this word being used in that sense.
Now, I'm not here to harp on the word quiver; I promise, even though I kind of just did. My initial intention for this post is to share some exciting news about skis. There is no single ski that "does it all." There's no such thing as a "quiver of one" (there we go again...). If ski companies made a ski that did it all it would a) suck big time b) they wouldn't make any money* and c) the skiers would be left with a paltry pool of skis to choose from. Where's the fun in any of that? Fun you say? Here's a picture of fun at the Huck House II, c.2005 - well, at least this was fun, until we needed to get to our food.

Like every other American, I'm of the philosophy that it's best to have as many / much of something as one possibly can. Well, kind of. Actually, I'm not. But really, no one needs tens upon tens of pairs of skis - nor should they have just one that "does everything" (or so they were told). Out in the real world you probably only need two pairs of skis: one for pow days and one for everything else.
Now, we're not going to get into which skis are good for what and so on and blah blah blah...figure all that out on your own (or you can just email me, I'm happy to hook up some legit info if you're truly seeking it). But honestly, pony-up for a set of pow sticks (110mm or fatter under your footies) and pick up a groomer ski (90mm - 110mm underfoot) with whatever is left over ;)
Oh. And it's great to be back!
*ski companies making money - this is another topic completely unto itself. Doubtful that we'll visit that later on....but who knows.