Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hey Subaru - You Done F#%&@D Another Car Up

My first blog post was back in October of 2007 - when Subaru gave the Impreza hatchback an unnecessary facelift. Look at that thing. Makes you wanna puke, doesn't it?

Well, as we all know (or at least those that know...know..), Subaru re-upped the Forrester and turned it into a BMW X3-wannabe. I'm not even going to post a picture because I can't stand how terrible the new Forrester looks. Look it up on your own if you really want to see one, or maybe check your neighbor's driveway. Here, this is the old-style (at it's peak):

Badass, right? Well, the new one is the exact opposite of the old style.

It doesn't end here, folks. The boys at Subaru are at it again and they've done ruined another, formerly, great looking automobile, the Subaru Outback. Like the new Forrester, I refuse to post any pictures of the 2010 Outback. It's hideous. It makes me want to crawl back into the womb. It's a terrible sign of things to come. Along with my '92 Loyale blowing up (see a few posts below), I'm officially disenchanted with Subaru as a whole and am shopping another Japanese car brand to turn my current two-wheel situation (bike) into a four-wheel situation (car). Tina, babe, I still like your Impreza....

Oh, and if you want to puke, check out the new Outback here: PUKE

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

About Ben

Ben and I go way back. My first memory of this guy dates back to the 6th grade in study hall. We didn't know each other at the time and I was sitting up front like a nerd. Ben was cooler than me at this point in time - he was sitting in the back - making jokes about the teacher and laughing with a buddy. I thought they were making fun of me and I tried my hardest to not let their antics bug me for those next 45 minutes. The next year Ben and I were in the same language arts class. We instantly became friends. I can easily say that a grand amount all of my memories from middle school and most of high school involve Ben. So much fun, so many jokes, so much b.s., such good friends.

Even though Ben and I live 2,500 miles away I always make a point to hang out with him when I visit back east. It always seems we pick right up where we left off the last time we saw each other. We also keep in pretty good touch through emails and the like.

Here's a pic of Ben (left) and I and another buddy of ours, Andrew (on the right) on a trip to New York City just before our junior year of high school. Damn....nearly 10 years ago.

Now, back to the main reason for this post. Ben is raising money for a 5K walk that he will be participating in which will be held in Philadelphia, PA on August 23. This is a fundraiser for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I made a donation, and so should you. Everything helps. You may donate to Ben here.

Monday, July 20, 2009

This One Bit the Dust

My 1992 Subaru Loyale has officially bit the dust. The timing belt has gone and I'm throwing in the towel. It'll cost more for me to fix than I want to pay forward, so I've posted this link on craig's page. Pay it a visit. Laugh. Cry. Make me an offer on my non-operable car. It was great transportation, especially in the winter.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lost on Mt. Olympus? Fk That - Let's Go for a Rally-Ride!

I have to be honest, this post was going to be about a group of "special" hikers who got lost on Mt. Olympus right outside of Salt Lake earlier today (read - are you fking kidding me????). Well, if you want to know a little more about their embarrassing fiasco, go, probably Salt Lake's premier online news source. If you live in Salt Lake and know Mt. Olympus, you know how ridiculous it is that these people got "lost" and had to call for "rescue."

Now, regarding what this post is really about. One of the guys from the British motorhead show, Top Gear got to sit in on a whirlwind rally-ride with bad-ass rally-racer Ken Block. Go get some tissues for the cleanup, this gets messy:

Ugh. Are your pants wet yet? If not, head over the face-tube and look this guy up...

Oh yea, and since this blog is great and I'm too lazy to figure out how to fit a wide-screen vid on here, you can view this clip in all it's glory on face-tube.

Monday, July 6, 2009

How to be Uncool

Sure, when my buddies and I were younger we thought it was fun to race our red wagons down the hill that was our street, luge-style. We'd race each other and then crash into the bushes in my parent's front yard since we didn't have any brakes on our rigs. We were way cooler than these guys (turn off your sound unless you understand un-English):

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Name

I changed the name of my blog. You may recall it as Everything Under the Sun. Honestly, I can't tell you how sick I became of that name shortly after creating this little plot on the world wide web wheneverago; I've wanted to change it's name ever since but never did anything about it, dig? That changed today. From here on out, I'm calling my blog Hype Machine. Now that's a nice, ambivalent name for a weblog. I see that you agree. Wonderful.

Now get a load of this. Since I decided to hold off on getting that sweet RIP 9 bike a few posts down, my lust for a 29er was egged towards Santa Cruz Bicycles shortly after I heard rumors of them putting out a 29-inch bike this coming season. Well, a quick read on their blog and here it is - a real-life sample of what the bike will look like when it hits the market:

Well there it is. My new lust-interest. Not.

They're making this thing outta carbon fiber, according to their blog, which is fine, if you want (i.e. can afford) carbon fiber. I, on the other hand, don't necessarily want a carbon fiber bike, nor do I want to afford (i.e. go broke) one. Granted, the Niner is sweet. But Santa Cruz has been doing bikes for-ev-er and I was over-psyched to hear they're putting out a 29er. But guys? C'mon.....carbon fiber? Fkna.