Hello everyone. Joe here. November is many things. The first thing that happens in November for me is my birthday. I turned 25 on Friday, November 2. I've made it. I'm half-way to 50 and only need to work another 45 years before I can retire. Actually, I'll probably never retire.
Being 25 has given me mixed feelings about growing up. I feel like there were so many things I missed out on while growing up and while in college. Those that know what I'm talking about, well, you just know - and those that don't, don't worry about it.....'cause I'm over it.
I've started paying my own car insurance (I know...a little late jumping on this train; thanks Mom and Dad for helping out way longer than you should have). I've also started paying more attention to the world around me and am starting to become more aware of how my actions today could affect how I may be living in the future. Before this turns into a rant on carbon footprints and whether or not global warming is blah blah, so on and so forth, just know that I've started to open my eyes a little more regarding the decisions I make about how I live. Ok, when you boil it down I just try to keep the lights off at home except in the room I'm in. The bottom line, I have a ways to go in becoming globally conscious, but it's a start.
November also brings colder weather. And colder weather in Utah usually means snow. Last year this wasn't the case, as our winter was, well, what winter...? We're due for a good amount of snow this year. I can feel it. The winter crew is assembling and we're all starting to get excited for the season ahead of us.
Until next time....