Then in the early 90's when Subaru introduced to us the Outback Sport, our stomaches churned a little in the uneasy direction. The car looked more like a bubble waiting to be popped than it did an all-wheel-drive, gas-efficient mini-wagon. A couple years ago Subaru took the Outback Sport back to the drawing board and came out with something I think all of our paletts enjoyed. The car was good looking, had awesome looking head lamps, had a decent shape that said, "drive me" and left you with an overall impression of "man, I want one of those," if you didn't already have one.
Don't get me wrong. A Subaru will always and forever be on my wishlist. But I have to ask the people at Subaru what they were thinking when they let this design make it off the production line and skid into driveway's across America:

I have to ask, WTF, guys at Subaru? WTF??!! This has got to be the ugliest, most unoriginal design I have seen for a car yet. I was driving around town this afternoon and saw a blue guy just like it. I thought, hmmmm, maybe a Kia?? Hell no sirs and madams. It was a brand-spankin' new Subaru Outback Sport. Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) would have pooped his pants if he saw this car.
If this is a testament of what is to come from Subaru, I am truly afraid. I don't like how this car looks, end of story. I'd rather be stuck driving a Toyota FJ cruiser, or better yet, a Camry wagon; do they even make those anymore? Hopefully this is just an in-between design and the guys at Subaru are cooking up something great that's going to make everyone that buys one of these 2008 Outback Sports look like a fool. Congratulations guys, this is the worst-looking hatchback I've seen yet.